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Getting back into the swing of things...
or trying to at least.
Take it from me-- it's not as easy as it may sound. Having to go from a care-free summer setting to a knuckle-down (sort of...) school setting is trés difficile ("very difficult" for you non-french speakers). I thought I had everything ready too. Last night I was relaxing, embracing my last night of summer while just about everyone else I knew stressed about getting their summer projects finished for their AP classes (I'll admit, I felt guilty that I didn't have a single summer project to worry about, but I was able to overcome that emotion rather quickly). Then today I woke up and was suprisingly tired-- not a good way to start the first day back at school. It was okay though, I overcame my fatigue and was on my way to the first day of my senior year. I picked up Ms. Ford and the younger brother and we were headed for the coveted SENIOR PARKING LOT. Full. The lot was full. First day of senior year and the senior lot is full. Figures.
So I drive out of the lot (behind Ms. Perino) and OF COURSE she decides to make a very sudden, completely unpredictable stop at a NO STOP ZONE to drop off her friends. So naturally (given the circumstances) I bumped her. Complete accident, I felt completely horrible about it (until I realized that it really wasn't my fault) and I spent the first 3 periods trying to figure out when I would be able to apologize to her. Luckily she ended up being in my 4th period class so the second she walked in I yelled (quietly-ish) across the room "I'm so SO sorry Kristen!" and she said it was fine. I don't really believe that she's forgiven me, but we'll see how the year rolls out.
My classes are all pretty good. I have 3 of 4 classes with Lindsey (as opposed to 0 of 6 classes every other year in high school). I have one with Deannie but she sits on the complete opposite side of the room from me (which is not good, considering the fact that Jeff [ugh] sits behind me slash WINKS AT ME in that class! Not okay.) And I have ZERO classes with Alli. So not cool. Sure, we only had one class together last year, and it was the absolute worst class ever to have with one of your best friends because it was precalculus, but we made it fun and got through it together.
I absolutely love getting out of school at lunch. It's amazing. It enabled me to get home in time to write a two page essay in a half hour before going to practice for 2 and a half hours before turning in my two page essay (which took me a half hour to write).
But I suppose none of that is really significant when you know about the rest of my night (which was by far more exciting than the rest of the day. So I leave class a bit before 7, head over to Office Depot to do some last-minute school shopping and then I go home to bake cookies for my beloved Cookie Boys. Burned them. Decided that I had cooked them for too long so I attempted to make a second, hopefully more scrumptious and slightly less rock-hard batch. Burned them. So on my way to Albertson's to buy the PERFECT COOKIES I phoned up Alli, who invited me to go to her house to bake cookies (she makes amazing cookies btw). By this time I was already at Albertson's, which proved to be fortuitous since I needed to pick up some chocolate chips before going to Alli's house. So after an eventful trip to Albertson's (didn't know where to look for chocolate chips... baking aisle... duh!), I got my Cookie Boy jerseys and school supplies and headed over to Alli's. Alli equals a LIFESAVER. She definitely baked all FIVE batches of cookies herself while I got my stuff ready for school tomorrow. Good friend? THE BEST. Not to say that the ability to bake well is an indicator for how good a friendship is... it just helps. Kidding. But I really am forever indebted to her. Especially since I will have cookies at my disposal for the rest of the football season and I won't have to burn any more innocent, unsuspecting cookies! (thanks again Alli).
So all in all it was a successful day. Tomorrow will be amazing. I will be exhausted, but it will still be amazing.
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