Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I had an epiphany the other day as I was washing my car. The funny thing is that washing a car is not a particularly emotional action, nor is it deep or in any way meaningful (to anything except the car, I suppose). But here was my epiphany:

Girls make a huge deal about their boyfriends/husbands/etc. making them feel like "the only girl in the world." What the heck? Why would you want to feel like the only girl in the world? It seems to me that we should not want to feel like the only girl in the world when we're with a guy- I personally want to feel like I am one of millions of girls in the world. And out of millions of girls I am the one that the guy wants to be with. To me that sounds more romantic/realistic. I sincerely prefer it.

My last-few-months-of-the-year resolution is to start writing short blogs every once in awhile so that I 1) Do not waste too much of my time writing an online blog and 2) Do not bore the people who may or may not care about what goes on in my life.

Mission semi-accomplished. This blog has been significantly shorter than my others so far...

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