Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The thing about Tuesdays...

The thing about Tuesdays is they never seem to be significantly... significant. Freshman year "Only on Tuesdays" was my main response to, well, every question or statement.
"Do you wear yellow?"
"Only on Tuesdays."

"We go to knitting festivals a lot."
"Only on Tuesdays."

It was just a fun thing to say that made people laugh. Today I realized how mundane most Tuesdays are. I mean, c'mon, they're NOT Mondays. Mondays are the days we dread on Fridays. Wednesdays are the half-way mark-- you make it to Wednesday and you know you can get through the rest of the week. Thursdays are often stressful because everyone wants to get to Friday, but all of Thursday you know that Friday is only one day away. The significance of Fridays is obvious and I don't feel the need to describe them. Saturdays are great days to catch up on sleep, get some work around the house done, and stay out late with friends. Sundays tend to be relaxing. People go to church, finish up some homework, watch some movies, and mentally prepare themselves for the coming week. Then you get back to Monday. Tuesday doesn't fit too well does it? I suppose the only thing that can really be said about Tuesdays is that it's the day AFTER Monday, so you've become used to the idea that you're back in the weekdays.

So I know what you're thinking. "You write blogs about the days of the week?"

Only on Tuesdays.


Glenn said...

i gotta be honest, this whole year, it doesnt seem like ive been counting the days of the week. it just seems to come and go so fast that I have no time to think of it all. Although im sure that will change the week before winter break. okay im really cold! but i cant wait to see you tomorrow

Allison Fife said...

how many times have you been to a knitting festival?