Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Monday's over... another Tuesday.

This particular Tuesday is actually quite special to me. This Tuesday marks the end of my Writing I career with the semi-despised professor whose name shall not be revealed for fear of angering him before final grades are posted. That's right, I have my final in exactly 2 hours and exactly 2 hours later (well, maybe less than 2 hours) I will be done. I will be done and my fate will be in his hands. That's a really scary thought come to think of it...

The rest of the week looks promising. True, I have a big test tomorrow and a big test on Thursday but after school on Thursday will be fantastic! I'll watch a bit of tv before practice, I'll go to practice, I'll come home, I'll work on/finish my layout and then there's a pep rally Friday!It might not sound exciting to the rest of you but I'm completely thrilled. Plus our first basketball game (or at least the first one w/ cheerleaders) is on Saturday. I haven't decided whether or not I like the idea of cheering at basketball games yet, we'll see.

My advice for the day: Sit back, relax, and have a nice cold glass of orange juice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why not have some passion iced tea?!