Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Success! (The Sequel)

As if it wasn't fab enough that I had a successful night at work LAST night, tonight was even better!

I got to work and was told by my favorite(x1000) boss to go check the scheduling board in the back, read the flyer, sign it, and bring it out to him. So I sachee (yes, sachee, I didn't just walk) to the back room where I discover a flyer that says MY NAME in big letters talking about how fantastic I am. Now that sounds conceited, but it actually said that. It was basically a write-up about the bussing incident last night, making me seem like I was a lot more gallant than I really was. It honestly wasn't a huge deal... but I don't mind the fuss ;) So I take the sheet out to my boss and thank him for acknowledging me or whatever and he tells me he has nominated me for a ROCK Star award. (ROCK being our philosophy at CPK) So I filled out this questionairre and put in my t-shirt size and it was done. And it set the tone for the rest of the day.

That whole transaction took about 30 minutes. Then, for the next hour I basically did...well...nothing! There was a fire at the nail salon in our center so the fire department blocked off the whole parking lot... so business was crazy slow. Luckily, they killed the fire and opened the lot back up so business returned, but it was a fun little respite while it lasted.
While the fire escapade was still going on my boss asked me to walk over to investigate the situation. So I casually walked out, went up to these two police officers. Here's the convo:
Me: Hey, so what can you tell me about what's going on here?
Cop 1: Well (looks at nametag) Legacy. I mean... Lacey... from Newport Beach? Very nice. What we have here is a classic case of... combustibles (mumbles a bit)... combusting. It's called a fire.
Me: Oh gosh! That's awful! How long do you think it'll take to put out?
Cop 2: Well...
Cop 1: Well Lacey, the fire is out, but they have to clean it up.
Me: (Frustrated like crazy) So how long do you think it'll be before you can reopen the parking lot?
Cop 1: Oh yeah I'll bet business isn't exactly moving like wildfire HAHAHA. Get it?
Me: Oh AHAHAHAHA! So it'll be open again soon then?
Cop 2: Well...
Cop 1: Yes, it'll be open again soon.

Ridiculous. And rude.

But work was good :)

1 comment:

Allison Fife said...

you are basically my cpk hero! and cop number 2 is definitely my fav! well...