Monday, February 25, 2008

15 Minutes Means So Much.

I have found myself with 15 minutes of free time. This has not happened in I don't know HOW long! I'm sitting outside my lecture hall, having finished the assignment that isn't due until 4pm! That's pretty good for me, as I usually wait until the last possible moment to start such things. But I'm done! I just got a chance to catch up some e-mails and my dad sent me the link to this really great website! So I'm sharing it with you.

Check it out!

Basically you just put in your birth date and it tells you a world of information about yourself! Including the approximate day of the week you were conceived and how old you are in dog years! (I am still but a negative exponent)

It's fun. I recommend that you check it out.

Off to class! What a wonderful 15 minutes it has been :)

1 comment:

Allison Fife said...

i was conceived on a saturday! :)