Saturday, December 15, 2007


So the other day as we were on our first of two weekend phone dates, the boyfriend found my blog.

Now, I'm not entirely sure how he came upon it, because he CLAIMED it came up on the 15th page of the google search for Emmanuel Lewis. I know, this whole thing sounds entirely random, but I didn't believe him so I proceeded to copy the google search and went the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th pages to see if there was any possibility that he was telling the truth. Nothing. So I think he was trying to fool me and really he just typed my name (or some variant of my name) on google and it came up.

Either way, he knows about it and regardless of whether or not he'll ever look here again, I thought it should be known that another person has sneakily discovered my blog (which is far less exciting that Miss Alli's, for she is much better at maintaining her blog than I am).

So boyfriend, if you are reading this... HI! If not, then I'll tell you hi next time I talk to you :)

It's Christmas Break! I'm stoked. ♥

1 comment:

Allison Fife said...

i'm flattered to see you say that i'm better at maintaining my blog, but i must admit this is probably not the case. it may seem that way because of my expert skills in what i like to call "past blogging" but the truth is, i haven't blogged in a month! just tonight, i caught up though. and what a relief it is not to have that on my shoulders anymore.