Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fearing for my life.

Only sort of fearing for my life actually...

You see, I worked take-out tonight at work (did a pretty darn good job of it if I do say so myself!) and I had the unhappy job of telling this eager-to-order woman that she could not place a take-out order, as it was 9:11 and we closed at 9. She said "It's 9 right now."

To which I said, "Actually, it's 9:11. I'm really sorry about that."

To which she said, "Are you serious?!?!"

To which I said, "Yes, I'm really sorry. Our kitchen closes at 9 o'clock on Sundays."

After which she turned on her heels and stomped out of the restaurant saying "Ugh!"

Too bad I'll probably get in trouble for this. I always seem to be the one put in the uncomfortable situation where I have to break bad news to a could-be patron.

That's pretty much the extent of my day's excitement. I'm going to go read and go to bed. No school tomorrow! Hooray!

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