Sunday, March 29, 2009

Divine Intervention

You can try to convince me that there is no God, but I'll never believe you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

3 Hours and counting...

Some people might say that I'm pathetic for sitting at home on a Friday night, eating Dove chocolate and Jolly Ranchers and watching the Disney channel. Lucky for me, I have an excuse! As I mentioned in my last post... BOYFRIEND COMES HOME TONIGHT! I turned in my last poetry essay, took my poetry final, washed my car, got the sparkling cider and champagne for my WONDERFULLY ROMANTIC scheme tonight, and I had RA for dinner :) Today is basically the best day ever!

I do have a moderately exciting story from today as well!

As I'm driving home from school, I come across a small queue of about three cars that seem to be stopped at a green light. I began pressing down on my brake pedal about 100 feet behind the car in front of me and come to a stop a safe distance away. Had I been in a hurry I probably would have changed lanes and avoided having to wait behind the stopped cars altogether, but I was in a good mood, a good song was playing, and I wasn't in any rush. I had been stopped for all of five seconds when I look into my rearview mirror and see a cream-colored '66 Mustang driving full speed towards me. I saw the old man's face as he realized that my car was not moving, and he quickly pulled the e-brake and fish tailed to avoid rear ending me. My heart stopped. I can only imagine what his poor old heart was doing. Luckily there was no one behind him or to the right of him, so his maneuver didn't affect anyone. It's times like those that you realize how lucky you really are. Worst case scenario the man could have slammed into me, causing me to hit the car in front of me, possibly causing any other number of cars to hit each other (yeah, he was going THAT fast) and any one of us could have been seriously injured. I drove away from that intersection feeling even more refreshed than I did yesterday when I had had no "near-death" experiences.

I attribute my good fortune to my safety shell. If you're ever in my car feel free to ask me about it. I'll show you :) It has protected me since I was sixteen (aka no accidents/tickets/etc.)

Good story. I know.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life should have a "refresh" button.

There has been something about this week that has been oddly refreshing. It could be because of the fact that despite the oodles and oodles of things I've had on my agenda (daily)I haven't felt stressed. I've forced myself to stay awake all day (meaning none of the naps I love so dearly) in order to be productive. I've been more actively engaged in school, my sorority, and my family life this way. It's weird how the busier you are, the happier you seem to be. You would think that a busy person would knock himself out trying to do EVERYTHING and be EVERYWHERE at the same time, and that having a full schedule would be tiresome-- but it's oddly refreshing.

The other refreshing aspect of this week could be due to the fact that Boyfriend will be coming home TOMORROW and I successfully avoided getting sick all week! [I felt the sickness coming on last Friday, so I let myself sleep approximately 30 hours over the weekend to get my energy levels back up. I also have been taking my Esberitox every day, as well as daily multi-vitamins, using the Neti pot, and avoiding milk products.]

It's a weird coincidence but every time Boyfriend is close to coming home either he gets sick, or I do. Without fail. OR on the off chance that neither of us gets sick before he gets home, one of us gets sick WHILE he's home, which is even worse. No matter. This time will be different. We will both be healthy and happy and productive and everything will be wonderful!

But before he gets home I have to write a poetry essay, study for my poetry final, turn in my essay and take my final, finish the part of his belated Valentine's gift that I'm making, buy the part of his belated Valentine's gift that I'm buying, buy a Coke in a glass bottle, buy champagne and some Martinelli's, and wash my car.
